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Staying Productive

Writer's picture: Keystone Advisors Keystone Advisors

The circumstances we are under have forced us all to change the way we conduct our business. We want to stay productive and make the best possible use of our time. Below are some tips and resources for agents selling Medicare plans.

1. Call your book of business and conduct a wellness check. Be prepared to explain parts of their current plan that could help out. Discuss benefits that may be included in their plan like the 24-hour registered nurse line, the virtual doctor visits or telemedicine, transportation benefits, mail-order prescription benefits. While on the phone ask if they have any friends or relatives who may have questions on their plans.

2. Work on your marketing plans so you are ready when these challenging times are over. Have everything laid out so you can “flip the switch” and immediately jump back into action when the time comes.

3. Re-schedule your existing appointments. If you have a potential client or a medical group that has cancelled their meeting due to the challenging times, get them to ‘tentatively’ commit to an appointment for the latter half of April or May. Let them know you can always re-schedule again if needed, but in the meanwhile, you’ll have something on the

books so you can hit the ground running when everything goes back to normal.

4. Leverage all of the tools available so you can meet remotely with consumers and still do business with consumers unwilling to meet face to face. Tools that allow you to do plan comparisons online, and even send links that allow consumers to enroll online, while you still get credit for the sale.

5. Stay connected with your book of business on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and/or YouTube. If possible, advertise your capabilities to be able to work with your prospects remotely on social media as well.

6. Utilize the carrier’s remote capabilities.

7. Prepare for the upcoming AEP by getting things done now such as any required Continuing Education training. If your license is soon to expire get it renewed.

8. Start your AEP Planning now. We know that dealing with these challenging times and the distractions of the upcoming election requires us to prepare more than ever. AEP is just over 6 months away it’s time to craft your marketing plan.

9. Consider doing some Book of Business mailings to maintain contact with your members.

10. Take inventory of your supplies, order what is needed. Throw out your 2019 materials.

11. Sharpen Your Sales Techniques: There’s no shortage of books, podcasts, articles or YouTube videos on sales techniques, overcoming objections, and more.

12. During these challenging times accurate and up to date information is critical. See websites below:

If you have any questions please reach out to our agent support team at or call us at 866-469-4921 and press #2.

Thank you,

Keystone Advisors


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