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Getting Started Selling Marketplace Plans

Writer's picture: Keystone Advisors Keystone Advisors

First time Marketplace agents often find the process to become a licensed agent, appointed with carriers, and ready to sell, confusing or cumbersome. It can seem overwhelming when you don't have the process all clearly laid out in one location.

We will do just that! The Marketplace is an ever expanding health insurance resource for those individuals who can't or don't want to use an employer-based plan. With more insurers joining every year, its a great opportunity for agents to build their career by selling Marketplace plans.


Read through the 7 steps below to gain a solid understanding of the process first-time agents must go through in order to become a licensed agent and ready to sell.

1. Create a CMS Enterprise portal account

CMS stands for The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the entity responsible for running the Marketplace. The first step to becoming an agent is to create an account on: or renew at this link if you are not a first time agent.

2. Request Access as an Agent or Broker

In order to request access as a broker, you will need to follow these steps in the CMS Enterprise Portal:

  1. Request Access Now

  2. FFM/Training – Agents/Brokers/Assisters as the title

  3. FFM Agent Broker from the dropdown menu

3. Complete the ID Verification

Before continuing, CMS will request to verify your identity, you'll enter some basic information to fulfill this requirement. After completing this step you'll return to the CMS portal homepage and will need to logout. Wait a few minutes and log back in, you should be assigned as an agent/broker.

4. Complete the Marketplace Training

To accomplish this, follow the below steps:

  1. In your CMS Portal, go to 'Complete Agent Broker Training'

  2. Select the 'Access Training' link next to the Marketplace Learning Management System

  3. Select the Individual Market curriculum and then 'Complete Enrollment'

  4. Proceed to complete all required training

Also keep in mind that this training can be completed through an approved vendor, who also often offer continuing education units (CEUs), however these typically charge for the course, going through the CMS page training is free of charge.

5. Privacy and Security Agreements

Once finished with all required training courses you will need to launch and electronically sign the CMS Privacy and Security agreements.

To compete this, go to 'Current Learning' and then select 'Curriculum State', then click on the 'Actions' link to the right of a competed curriculum.

Save a digital physical copy of your Registration Completed certificate.

Congratulations! After this step, you are officially a FFM- licensed agent!

6. Create a HealthSherpa Agent Account

Now that you're a licensed agent you'll need to start quoting and enrolling clients; a great resource for this is HealthSherpa!

7. Get appointed with Marketplace Carriers

The final step in being ready to sell ACA plans is to get yourself appointed with insurance carriers. Click Here to view our list of Keystones carrier partners, remember, you can't receive commissions on sales for carriers you are not appointed with.

Getting started as a Marketplace agent can seem daunting but it is really just a matter of getting started.


Whether you're meeting your clients in person or virtually, Keystone Advisors wants to make sure you have a safe and successful OEP. Call us at 866-469-4921 to speak with a market manager.

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