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5 Tips to Help You Stand Out as a Medicare Agent

Writer's picture: Keystone Advisors Keystone Advisors

Standing out as a Medicare agent is a crucial part of landing new Medicare clients. With so many options to choose from, Medicare beneficiaries can easily lose the less memorable agents in the shuffle.

Below are five ways to make sure you don't get lost in the shuffle and instead become a memorable broker in the minds of Medicare beneficiaries and are able to add those clients to your Book of Business.

1. Make Your Business Card Unique

Every agent needs a business card to hand out to potential and current clients as well as in networking situations. But how do you ensure that your business card doesn't look like all others your potential clients receive? Yes, include your name, phone number, email, etc. but also consider changing other elements of your card, including:

Shape: Rectangle-shaped business cards will always work, however they don't do much to stand apart from others. Consider rounding the corners of your card or shaping it like a pill bottle to remind clients why they need to contact you

Color: A white background with black text is a classic design, however not one that stands out from other business cards. Try changing up the background color to liven up your card, or include colors from your company logo to give it character. And if in doubt, remember, people keep colorful business cards 10 times longer than ones without color!

Imagery: Adding a picture of yourself and/or business logo will go a long way in creating a memorable meeting and standing out from other business cards.

Font: Times New Roman and Arial are popular and legible but not exactly memorable. Try switching the font of your business card to something that separates itself from the crowd, while making sure it aligns with your company image.

Format: Maybe the most important factor in making a unique impression and standing out from the other agents. Try making your business card a fridge magnet, or a keychain pad, or pen, or something that not only has your contact info but also serves an everyday function. Be creative and stand out!

Remember to keep it professional, there is a fine line between creative and going overboard. You don't want to give the wrong impression and have your card end up in the trash. Sourcing your card via a professional graphic designer can be a differentiator as well, if you can swing it.

2. Up Your Credential Game

"Licensed Insurance Agent" isn't the most unique designation to include on your business card or in your emails. Expand your credentials and stand out to clients with titles such as "Certified Insurance Counselor" or "Disability Income Assistant". Below is a list of credentials you can earn through the completion of the associated courses:

  • Health Insurance Associate (HIA)

  • Chartered Healthcare Consultant (ChHC)

  • Health Insurance Associate (HIA)

  • Registered Health Underwriter (RHU)

  • Professional, Health Insurance Advanced Studies (FHIAS)

  • Certified Insurance Counselor (CIC)

  • Certified Financial Planner (CFP)

  • Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU)

  • Life Underwriter Training Council Fellow (LUTCF)

  • Long-Term Care Professional (LTCP)

  • Disability Income Associate (DIA)

  • Employee Health Benefits Associate (EHBA)

You can access the courses to attain these designations through professional organizations such as the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU), American's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), and the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA). Not only will you earn highly beneficial credentials but also gain new skillsets and knowledge to help you in your career!

3. Speak More Than One Language

Over 20% of Americans report speaking a language other than English while at home. Knowing more than just one language can help you reach new client groups and improve your chances of signing new clients!

Study your local market to determine which languages are most prominent and consider learning a common language spoken in that area. Being able to communicate with clients effectively is key and can be the difference between you and another agent signing a person in need of Medicare.

Some states with high percentages of the population that speak a foreign language include California (45%), Texas (36%), New Mexico (34%), New Jersey (32%), New York (31%), Nevada (31%), Florida (30%), Arizona (28%), Hawaii (28%), and Massachusetts (24%). Stay competitive in your market and effectively communicate with potential clients of all different backgrounds.

4. Focus on Improving Your Writing and Grammar

While we are on the topic of communication, being able to communicate effectively and professionally with potential clients is also a game-changer for your success in signing new clients. Standing out to Medicare beneficiaries is essential, but for the right reasons. You will definitely be memorable for poor speaking and writing, but not in the way you want!

Some great resources for improving your writing and grammar include Grammarly, Microsoft Spell Check, and of course, Google. Don't let poor writing and grammar be a barrier between you and new business.

5. Get Out in Your Community

Image is a critical criterion in attracting new clients and increasing your Book of Business. A great way to improve your image within your community is to get involved. Whether that is through church service events, home building projects, or just volunteering to coach a local team, involvement in the community will show you are interested in the well-being of your neighbors and not just their potential to be the next client in your Book of Business.


The closer we get to AEP, the more mailers, emails, and advertisements will flood into the inboxes of potential clients. Stand apart from other agents and be willing to do what other agents will not. Follow the 5 tips we've mentioned here and you can be sure you will stand out and get the calls from those beneficiaries in need of Medicare.

Now is the perfect time to start selling MA and PDP plans if you aren’t already. If you are looking to get into this business or just looking to increase what you are already selling, give us a call at 346-233-1992. Our Agent specialists are standing by to give you one-on-one support.



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